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How to Create a Successful Blog Strategy: A Step-by-Step Guide

by Nov 8, 2019Blog, Marketing, Website

In this HubSpot article, you’ll learn how to create and execute a successful blogging strategy that positively impacts your business’s bottom line.

Did you know that 55% of marketers say blogging is their top inbound marketing priority? Did you also know that these marketers are 13x more likely to see positive ROI than marketers who don’t invest in blogging?

Over the last decade or so, businesses have increased revenue, improved brand awareness, and boosted conversions with valuable written content published for their target audience and customers. The key here is that their blog content is valuable — it isn’t enough to simply have a blog; there has to be a purpose or reason for its existence.

So, how can you create and maintain a successful blog that provides your target audience with worthwhile and high-quality content, all while building your business’s reputation as an industry thought-leader and expert?

The answer is with a blog marketing strategy.

Before we review the steps to your blog marketing strategy, let’s take a look at how to create a successful blog first. These steps are a necessary part of building your blogging strategy — after all, you need to ensure you’re creating great content before marketing it.

Faith Driven Entrepreneur Session 1 – Our Call to Create

Entrepreneurship can be both a taxing and a rewarding experience for many people. Working for yourself and seeing your dreams come alive is one of the greatest joys for business owners, and God is using faithdriven entrepreneurs to bring about his kingdom on Earth as it is in heaven.

Faith Driven Entrepreneur Session 2 – God Owns My Business

In this session, J.D. focuses on the difference between ownership and stewardship and why knowing the difference as a Christian is crucial.

Faith Driven Entrepreneur Session 3 – Don’t Worship Work

In this session, J.D. talks about how to be content with what we have and the importance of never making work an idol.

Faith Driven Entrepreneur Session 4 – Excellence Matters

In this session, J.D shows us how we should serve God through excellent work and reflect the love of Christ with those who do business with us.

Faith Driven Entrepreneur Session 5 – Faithful vs. Willful

In this session, J.D. tackles the importance of identity. J.D. reminded us that God has called us to be faithful first to him, not to success in our jobs.

Faith Driven Entrepreneur Session 6 – Ministry in Word

This session focused on our need to be dependent on God because we’re helpless without him in both our spiritual life and our work life.

Faith Driven Entrepreneur Session 7 – Ministry in Deed

In this session, J.D. talks about the significance of ministry in deed and how remembering to serve others leads to living a meaningful life.

Faith Driven Entrepreneur Session 8 – Global Movement

The final session wraps up the series by discussing how God wants our lives and our talents to be part of the greatest cause on earth—the Great Commission.